
LifeLab is an interactive and engaging health programme for adolescents from socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. The project began in 2019 and is ongoing within the school of Human Health and Performance at present.

What is Health Literacy? 

Health Literacy is the ability to find, appraise, understand and apply information to promote health and wellbeing. Adolescence has been identified as a prime time to improve health behaviours therefore we viewed this as a key opportunity to create an intervention aimed at improving health literacy in this population.

LifeLab in Practice: 

LifeLab has been co-designed through the collaboration of DCU researchers, second-level teachers and students developing an intervention that understands the issues relating to health literacy and presenting solutions. LifeLab explores a range of health topics such as physical activity, well-being, sleep, food choices and drug misuse through interactive and fun activities. The topics explored are aligned to the Junior Cycle principles and Wellbeing programme. To date, over 500 students have participated in LifeLab.

Community of practice at LifeLab: 
Join our growing ‘community of practice’ at Lifelab. This is open to second-level teachers and management who have a keen interest in their young student’s health. Teachers are welcome to complete the google form below to express interest and find out more information.

Community of Practice google form

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