Y-PATH: Youth Physical Activity Towards Health

This school physical education based Y-PATH intervention aims to improve the physical activity (PA) levels of post-primary youth through education about the importance of PA for health, improving levels of motivation, self-regulation and empowerment, exposure to a range of modes of activity, development of fundamental movement skill levels (FMS) and generating a supportive environment for PA through working with parents and teachers. Y-PATH has completed a randomised controlled trial in 22 schools from the greater Dublin area. Output: 4 journal articles, 1 EU-FP7 application (reached stage 2; ultimately unsuccessful), HRB Definitive Intervention application (stage 2 evaluation result pending), 2 PhD and 1 MSc completion, numerous conference papers. IMPACT: 22 Schools and 50 PE teachers now trained in Y-PATH methodology. Healthy Ireland are looking to use Y-PATH for its HI Demonstration Project going forward.

Sample publications from the Y-PATH Project

Belton, S., O’ Brien, W., Issartel, J., McGrane, B. and Powell, D. (2016) ‘Where does the time go? Patterns of physical activity in adolescent youth’,  Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2016.01.008.